
Re: Unicode Normalization Forms

2001-08-08 17:23:41
* SADAHIRO Tomoyuki wrote:
Now a pre-release module to get Unicode Normalization Forms 
(UAX #15) is available.

Cool! :-)

NAME (a temporary name)

Text::Unicode::Normalize - normalized forms of Unicode text

I'd suggest Unicode::Normalize and


 use Text::Unicode::Normalize;

 $stringNFD  = NFD($string);  # Normalization Form D
 $stringNFC  = NFC($string);  # Normalization Form C
 $stringNFKD = NFKD($string); # Normalization Form KD
 $stringNFKC = NFKC($string); # Normalization Form KC

a normalize function instead of these 4 functions with a
form parameter, e.g.

  my $normalized = normalize( form => 'C' );

It should accept the short forms (C, D, KC, KD) as alias
for the NF.. There is currently no Text::Unicode tree on
CPAN but there is a Unicode:: tree and it fits quite well
there. The normalize function increases readabilty and
looks nicer.

Is it expectable, that Perl will normalize everything it
puts out by itself or will we have to use this module?
Björn Höhrmann { mailto:bjoern(_at_)hoehrmann(_dot_)de }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

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