
Re: Unicode / Transliteration

2001-12-13 13:20:15
On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 16:49:18 +0000, jhiver(_at_)mkdoc(_dot_)com (Jean-Michel 

  The way I got around this was to build a lossy table mapping
  ISO-8859-15 to US ASCII, and then applying a few simple regexes so
  that a sentence like "Le rêve du café" gets turned into

Sounds a bit like Sean M. Burke's Text::Unidecode.

  Ideally I would like to write a CPAN Unicode::Transliterate module
  that could be modular enough to dynamically import transliteration
  tables from any charset to any other charset, and eventually depending
  on the language (for example, the japanese word 'roku' might actually
  sound better if written 'lok' when read in French).

It doesn't directly support that, but you could overwrite some of the
translation table entries if you wanted to.


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