
Re: What to do with non-assigned points?

2002-03-18 04:46:43

use Encode qw(from_to); use strict;
my $s = join "", map { chr } 128..255;
for my $enc (qw( iso8859_3 ))

The problem is that iso-8859-3 does not assign characters to all octet
What should Encode:: do in such cases:
  B. Map octet to Unicode/iso-8859-1
  C. Use a "private use" page...

If there is no function hanging on the 'illegal characters' hook, then it
should return U+FFFD. This is pretty clear from the standard, etc. The
other options don't bare thinking about since they change the mapping
definition of iso8859-3.

The fun starts on the return path :) Ideally an encoding should list a
default fallback Unicode fail character for mapping unmapped Unicode
values. I.e. the 8-bit equivalent of U+FFFD.

Martin Hosken

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