
Re[2]: Fwd: GB 1833 name abiguous

2002-03-23 20:32:19
Hello Autrijus! Hello, developers!

I'm sorry not to know any of the CJK languages.. The only thing
I have to help me understand encodings currently
are the IANA registry and RFC 1345..
And some pages on the internet..
So please excuse me if I will be talking nonsense! :-)

AUTRIJUS>   - Alias /gb-?2312/i to 'euc-cn'.

So much as my opinion could be worth anything..
To me it looks perfectly sensible
as the following lines from the IANA Registry

Name: GB2312  (preferred MIME name)
20-7E = one byte ASCII
A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji

I do recognize it as EUC-CN.

Am I right?
(The funny thing is IANA registry does not have
EUC-CN. So it has it, but under the GB2312 name?)

AUTRIJUS>   - Make a 'gb2312-raw' to point to 'gb2312.enc'.
AUTRIJUS>   .... possibly aliased to 'gb2312-1980', 'gb2312-x11',
AUTRIJUS>   or other names.

Autrijus, will you allow me to advocate


for the 7-bit GB 2312?
This is the name used both in the IANA registry and rfc 1345.

People familiar with these documents will feel like they 'understand
what is happening then' :-)

My heartiest regards, Anton


So what is going to happen is

find_encoding('GB_2312-80')->name()     -->  'gb2312'
find_encoding('gb2312')->name()         -->  'euc-cn'

Oh, my..
Maybe I'm an egoist. I do not use ->name(). So for
me 'let it be' for now... At least find_encoding will
find what is expected..

I do not know anything about this Tcl interoperation
issues... how much is it possible to rename the .enc?

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