
Re: ICU and Parrot

2002-05-30 14:22:07
On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 06:18:55AM +0900, Dan Kogai wrote:
On Friday, May 31, 2002, at 06:06 AM, George Rhoten wrote:
Hopefully you take the implicit information in the UCM files and put 
into encode implementation too.  For instance, in gb18030 there are 
ranges of Unicode mappings that aren't in the UCM file, but they are in 
implementation of the gb18030 converter (and the XML form of the UCM
file).  If the encode API works with gb18030 properly, that's great :-) 
sure that the people in China appreciate that.

As a matter of fact GB18030 is ALREADY supported via Encode::HanExtra by 
Autrijus Tang.  The only reason GB18030 was not included in Encode main 
is sheer size of the map.

I have deliberately kept Parrot and Perl6 out of my mind until Perl 5.8 
is a reality.  Now that 5.8-RC1 is just 24 hours away, I should get 

Oy!  More like 42.

myself ready for Parrot and Perl6....

Dan the Encode Maintainer

$jhi++; #
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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