
Re: Encode::compat (was Re: Encode functionality for Perl 5.6.1)

2002-09-23 00:30:07
On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 08:32:08PM +0200, Robert Allerstorfer wrote:
The usage is:
    use Encode::compat; # a no-op for Perl v5.7.1+ use Encode qw(...);
I'm sorry for the confusion caused by a missing \n in the mail, as you
have already noticed. :-)

for proper use with 5.8.0+. To test it with 5.6.1, I first had to
install the Text::Iconv module. I will now play with it. Thanks a lot
for your efforts in providing such a nice enhancement.

Feedback are most welcome. :)  I'll probably render the encode/decode
failures as fatal errors instead of silent failing in 0.2.


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