
Big5 scalar needs to be UTF-8

2002-10-29 16:30:04

I have read some Big5 Chinese data from a FoxPro
database and need to merge this with UTF-8 data from
another source to create a UTF-8 file.

The only hurdle I can't get started with is how to
convert the Big5 scalar into UTF-8. I've read various
exciting things about how PERL5.8 can read a big5
stream from a file (using something like "<
:encoding(big5)" in the 'open' call) but this doesn't
help me to convert the scalar ... does it ?

Of course, I'd be open to ideas on how to retrieve the
data from FoxPro in UTF-8 in the first place of anyone
knows how that is possible.

Please advise...

Tim Scott

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