
Re: Encode 1.87 and later don't pass make test on static perl

2003-03-06 07:30:05
Sorry, my finger has slipped.

On Thursday, Mar 6, 2003, at 22:48 Asia/Tokyo, Dan Kogai wrote:

On Thursday, Mar 6, 2003, at 04:10 Asia/Tokyo, Blair Zajac wrote:

I have several self compiled copies of Perl 5.8.0, one of which is
compiled to be statically linked (for Perl modules that is, not libc
and other system libraries) so I can profile the code using gcc -pg.

How EXACTLY did you do so?  Here is a recommended way.

0) rm -rf perl-5.8.0/ext/Encode
1) untargzip Encode-1.xx and mv that perl-5.8.0/ext/Encode
2) update perl-5.8.0/MANIFEST
3) configure perl
4) make and make test

Maybe you should start over w/ a fresh copy of perl-5.8.0 as well.

I looked for Encode 1.87 on CPAN but couldn't find it, so here's the
error output on with 1.89, but the problem was introduced in 1.87.
Perl -V output is below.  If I can find tar.gz's of Encode 1.86 and
1.87, I could check again to ensure that 1.86 and 1.87 work and fail

Andreas has already answered this one (Thanks, Andreas). The reason I am asking if you are following the right procedure is this;

Encode::KR object version 1.22 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.23 at /opt/i386-linux/installed/perl-5.8.0-g-pg/lib/5.8.0/i686-linux/ line 44.

Here the module mismatch is happening, suggesting that old symbol(s) still exist somewhere...

Dan the Encode Maintainer

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