
Re: UTF8_ALLOW_ANYUV should not allow overlong sequences [PATCH]

2004-12-09 11:30:06
Gisle Aas wrote:
Perl use the UTF8_ALLOW_ANYUV mask in functions that should not be
restricted to only the valid Unicode code points.  For some reason
this mask currently include the UTF8_ALLOW_LONG flag.  This seems
totally wrong as there can't be a good reason to allow overlong
sequences just because we don't want to restrict the valid values.

Perl's ord() function is for instance perfectly happy with an overlong NUL:

$ perl -MEncode -wle '$a = "\xe0\x80\x80";Encode::_utf8_on($a);print ord($a)'

This patch fixes this problem:

Thanks, applied as change #23632 to bleadperl (although I'm not sure I
fully understand all the implications.)

--- utf8.h.cur        2004-12-06 11:16:52.176181667 +0100
+++ utf8.h    2004-12-06 11:17:16.672129909 +0100
@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@
 #define UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF                      0x0040 /* Allows also FFFE. */
 #define UTF8_ALLOW_LONG                      0x0080
-                                      UTF8_ALLOW_SURROGATE|\
-                                      UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF|UTF8_ALLOW_LONG)
+                                      UTF8_ALLOW_SURROGATE|UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF)
 #define UTF8_ALLOW_ANY                       0x00FF
 #define UTF8_CHECK_ONLY                      0x0200

With this patch the example above outputs:

$ perl -MEncode -wle '$a = "\xe0\x80\x80";Encode::_utf8_on($a);print ord($a)'
Malformed UTF-8 character (3 bytes, need 1, after start byte 0xe0) in ord at 
-e line 1.

Could you turn this into a regression test ?

You probably wouldn't have expected a communist to have a dog named Harpo.
    -- Malcolm Lowry, Under the Volcano