
Re: opcode sequence.

2005-08-19 02:33:15
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 11:19:16PM -0700, rajarshi das wrote:
Here's a test on perl-5.8.6 run on z/OS :
$a = '0178';
$b = '00FF';
$a1 = pack("U0U*", hex $a);
$b1 = pack("U0U*", map { hex } split " ", $b);
if (":$b1:" =~ /:[$a1]:/i)
print "ok";
The test runs through the opcodes OP_REGCOMP, OP_MATCH and then gets
into the opcode OP_COND_EXPR. 

Well, the test above should in fact give a syntax error, since that's not
a valid if syntax.

Britain, Britain, Britain! Discovered by Sir Henry Britain in
sixteen-oh-ten. Sold to Germany a year later for a pfennig and the promise
of a kiss. Destroyed in eighteen thirty-fourty two, and rebuilt a week
later by a man. This we know. Hello. But what of the people of Britain?
Who they? What do? And why?   -- Little Britain

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