
Re: Problem with Encode module

2006-07-07 06:24:24
At 10:31 am -0700 23/6/06, Jianyang Tai wrote:

I encountered some problem with the Encode module when I convert some Japanese contents from shift-jis to utf-8. Basically I am using the from_to subroutine to do the job. All work well except for those number inside a circle characters (8740 ~ 8754). The unicode range for those characters is 2460 ~ 2473. However, the from_to doesn't convert them correctly. For 8740 (1 inside a little circle), what I got was "FFFD 0040". 

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? Is this a known issue or there is something wrong with the original shift-jis text? Any advise is very appreciated.

Those characters do not exist in shift-jis but only in GB18030 and in the MacOS Japanese, Korean and Chinese (both) character sets.


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