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Re: Those pesky s*bscr*b*/uns*bscr*b* messages

1995-10-20 13:51:53

| I give heavy weight to Subjects starting with (un)?s*bscribe, with
| also pretty heavy weight to Subjects containing either of those words.
| I then give heavy weight to the body of messages starting with those
| words, and a lighter weight to lines starting with them.  Then
| multiple occurrences get some weight too, up to a point.  Then I count
| the words in the message against all that.

        How about looking for sub & unsub, as well as a perenial
misspelling 'unsuscribe me'?  I also find filtering on add, leave and
help to be useful.  This may well be the only word on the line.  I
think it has to do with broken list management packages.

        Were I in an impolite mood, I might suggest taking off points
for users of aol sending the message.

| :0B
| *  1^0
| * 30^0 H ?? ^Subject: +(un)?subscribe\>

* 20^0 H ?? ^Subject: +(un)?sub?(scribe)?\>

(The B is often missing, as is the word fragment 'scribe')

| * 20^0 H ?? ^Subject:.*\<(un)?subscribe\>
* 20^0 H ?? ^Subject: +(add|leave|help)$
* 15^0 H ?? ^Subject: +(add|leave|help)         # fewer points if more words

| * 20^0 ^^([    ]|$)*(un)?subscribe\>
| * 10^0 ^([     ])*(un)?subscribe\>
| * 8^.4 \\<(un)?subscribe\>
| * -.4^1 \\<[A-Za-z]+\>
| junk/.


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