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Re: problem with |

1995-11-12 18:57:08
Vladimir Shekhovtsov <shekvl(_at_)sncac(_dot_)snc(_dot_)edu> wrote:
:0 HBhbf
* ^From.*shekvl
| /bin/awk '/Series/{exit};{print}' >>$MAILDIR/tonite.inbox

Results _always_ the same (or almost the same):

procmail: Error while writing to " /bin/awk '/Series/{exit};{print}' "
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

As someone pointed out before, you have to omit the 'f' flag, because
the mail is not being filtered and fed back to procmail, it's just
being written to the file.

Also, since you're not writing the entire mail, procmail needs to be
told that a failure to dump the whole mail is not to be considered
alarming.  You do this using the 'i' flag (ignore write-errors).

So, try this instead:

   :0 i:
   * ^From.*shekvl
   | /bin/awk '/Series/{exit};{print}' >>$MAILDIR/tonite.inbox

           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).

"Good moaning!"

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