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Re: AOK but need to include original (SOLVED)

1995-11-30 21:40:57

Thanks to's the final version which tests aok...
maybe this will help others:

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# AUTOBOTMANIA (Not quite "BEATLEMANIA", but close :-)
# ------------
# This recipe returns the sender's original message *below* the 
# autobot form letter message (autobot.txt), appends the sender's
# e-mail address to the (autobot.log) file, and finally files a
# copy of the sender's original message in folder (Aautobot.IN).
# Special thanks to Stephen, David, Hal, Soren & others for help.
:0 hc
* !^X-Loop: eric(_at_)garlic(_dot_)com
* ^TOautobot(_at_)hilding(_dot_)com
:0 fh
| formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
   -I"From: Autobot Test <autobot(_at_)hilding(_dot_)com>" \
   -I"Subject: Test of an Autobot" \
   -A"X-Loop: eric(_at_)garlic(_dot_)com" ; cat $HOME/procmail/autobot.txt 

| $SENDMAIL -oi -t

:0 c:
* ^TOautobot(_at_)hilding(_dot_)com
| formail -rtzxTo: >> $HOME/procmail/autobot.log

:0 a:

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