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procmail as a complex(?) local MDA

1995-12-07 05:43:23

Remember my question about directory hashing? Well, I got it running 

What I need now, is a way to get procmail lookup 3 databases in order to find 
out if a local address really exists:

The unix passwd database and the MTA aliases database (obviously), but also, 
for the majority of addresses which don't have any unix account on the 
mailboxes server but are registered, in a possibly remote database.

So, is it possible, from procmail and/or sendmail, to lookup in those three 
databases (calling a C program or a Perl script, maybe?), and using the result 

        1. use the standard mailbox directory if the address is in the unix 
        2. send the mail to the alias
        3. do mailbox directory hashing using the address if it is found in the 
remote(?) database

I am thinking of three solutions, but I don't know which one of them is the 
most reliable/feasible one:

        1. determine those conditions in sendmail, and use procmail only for 
third one
        2. determine those conditions in procmail, and fork sendmail for the 
first conditions
        3. use a completly rewritten local MDA, possibly forking procmail for 
third condition (let's hope we won't be writting something as complex as 
sendmail :-))

Some interesting precisions:
- the computer (or cluster of computers, if load becomes high) won't be 
relaying mail to the outdoors, only process mail from a mailhub to the local 
- the sendmail USERDB configuration is not an option, for obvious (nonexistent 
unix accounts) reasons.

Benjamin Ryzman         mailto:zarkdav(_at_)eddy(_dot_)freenix(_dot_)fr
Solutions Vocales

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