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problem distributing mail from a POP mailbox :((

1995-12-21 17:02:11
I'm using linux and I'm connected to Internet with an Internet access provider.
I have a POP mailbox. When I get my mail (w/ popclient) it goes to a single
user (I've created a special user called 'maildist'). This user has a
.forward file and a .procmailrc with receipes that let him distribute the
mail to the different users (to their mail spool dir /usr/spool/mail/$USER),
and setting a special user that will receive all the mail that haven't been
distributed (because no matching receipes) via the $DEFAULT variable.
Then each user will have a .forward and put their own mail in the right
folders. But will procmail being executed when they'll receive the mail
in their spool dir from the user maildist ?

Anyone knows how to do that properly ? (with an exemple please).
Stephen R. van den Berg has told me to use the "procmail -d recipient" command
to deliver the mail to individual users, but I can't figure how to use it.
Any exemple ?

Thank you very much.

ps: I've done a procmailrc script for the maildist user that distributes
    the mail to the different users but it work only for _local_ delivery
    mail ! (why?!)
Hyvaa Joulua ja Onnellista uutta vuotta!
 --> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
 Alexandre Molari  ***  Geneva, Switzerland

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