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Unidentified subject!

1996-01-26 15:00:43

"Avalon Johnson Unix Team" <avalon(_at_)YorkU(_dot_)CA> writes:
    The To, CC Bcc etc fields are all being rewritten by procmail and the
domain of the address is being stripped out....

On Jan 26,  3:32pm, Philip Guenther wrote:

This is almost certainly a missing flag .......
If no flags are obviously missing, can you include your mailer definition
in your followup?

        I should have included this (looks OK to me):

Mlocal,         P=/usr/local/procmail/bin/procmail, F=lsSDFMhPfn, S=10, R=20,
                A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u


Avalon Johnson                                   Usenet:   
Computing & Communications Services
York University. 

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