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Re: More simple syntax questions

1996-01-29 14:13:27
Hello mighty procmail masters,

1) What is a simple way to use $? to set a variable if it is not already 

  I am not sure.  But this is what I would do:

  * ! foo ?? .
  { foo=whatever }
Also, what is the syntax for a condition?
  Owwwww.  Two birds with one stone!

2) Is there an cleaner way of doing OR?

  # Do something if file.1 OR file.2 doesn't exist
  * ? test -f file.1
  * ? test -f file.2

* ? test -f file.1 -o -f file.2

the first first start.  In general, if it is regex then you have |.  If
it is other things then you probably have to deal with it in a sort of
non-general way...
