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1996-02-23 18:19:23
Michael Champigny asked,

| According to the man pages, DEFAULT is defined as if I
| redefine ORGMAIL, then DEFAULT should change as well, which doesn't
| help me. Any help on this would be appreciated.

DEFAULT is *initially* defined as equal to $ORGMAIL.  Once procmail has
started reading /etc/procmailrc (if it is the MDA) or your .procmailrc,
you can change the value of either without affecting the other.

In fact, you can even set DEFAULT on the command line when you invoke
procmail (I'm not sure about doing that with ORGMAIL, though), and that
value will override its normal initial value equal to $ORGMAIL.

| What is the default behavior of procmail when DEFAULT cannot be mailed to?

If procmail gets to the end of the rcfile without delivery (or without being
directed to another rcfile by an INCLUDERC or HOST assignment), it assumes



That is, it tries to deliver to $DEFAULT and if it can't, it tries $ORGMAIL.
If that fails too ("deep, deep trouble" as Stephen says in the man page), it
exits without delivery and reports failure to the MTA, which, depending on
other factors, will either requeue the letter and try delivering later or
will bounce it to the sender.

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