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Re: Procmail problems with HP-UX 10.01

1996-03-28 10:20:13
I'm running procmail v3.10 on a HP9000/712-60 running HP-UX 10.01,
sendmail 8.7.5 and I installed procmail in the Mlocal line in
I've run into some strange problems.

  Well, my first observation is that  your configuration file does not
seem to be a v6 configuration file (meaning that you might want to
gnerate it from m4 macros the the local_procmail feature).
ra(_at_)strympa> grep Mlocal /etc/
#Mlocal, P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=lsSDFMhPfn, S=10, R=20, A=procmail -a 
$h -d $u
Mlocal,  P=/usr/bin/rmail,  F=DFMPlms,  S=10,  R=20,  A=rmail -d $u

(I tryed to use the same mailerflags as rmail wants but that gave the same
results)  So I had to put rmail back in action.

procmail (and other executables are in /usr/local/bin) as:
-rwxr-sr-x   1 ra       mail       16476 Mar 27 00:01 lockfile
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ra       starf      37003 Mar 27 00:01 formail
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ra       starf       5390 Mar 27 00:01 mailstat
-rwsr-sr-x   1 root     mail       90556 Mar 27 22:24 procmail

sendmail is:
-r-sr-sr-t   1 root     mail      316176 Mar 23 16:20 /usr/sbin/sendmail

but runs as user daemon.

  that might be it....  What happens when you run it as root?


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