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Re: fileserver works, ls command does not

1996-04-02 13:25:48
dattier(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com (David W. Tamkin) writes:
Philip Guenther suggested to D. Emilio Grimaldo T.:
One problem: if you invert the header before doing those subject header
tests, the inversion will have inserted Re: into the subject.  So the second
and third recipes in my excerpt from Philip's post will *never* match.

Whoops, that'll do it.

You don't want to test for "Re: send (list|file) etc." because incoming mail
that ORIGINALLY has that subject [including the Re:] is not a file or list
request.  I suggest something like this:

[really elegant approach deleted]

Very nice, David!

Philip Guenther

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