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Re: "Anding" Procmail Conditionals

1996-04-19 18:31:16
Bill Koss <wkoss(_at_)kingtech(_dot_)com> writes:
I have a INCLUDERC file that looks somewhat like the one below.

It is my intention to have the statements executed only if ALL
conditions are evaluated as true.

However, it seem that the statements are executed if ANY condition is
evaluated as true.

* ^From(_dot_)*yourname(_at_)address               #match your address
* ^Subject: Blah Blah [0-9a-z]          #match specific subject
* !^X-Loop: myname(_at_)address              #check for looping mail
* !^Subject:.*Re:                       # " "
* !^FROM_DAEMON                         # " "


The brace must be on the line immeadiately following the last condition.

      :0 fhw                   # Begin another recipe with arguments

???  With a blank line following it, this does absolutely nothing.

Philip Guenther

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