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Re: Script problem - "skipped" and store/forward problems

1996-04-30 00:15:19
[Friday, I wrote about some script problems, and attached the ASCII 
files using MIME]

Pardon, but I haven't recieved so much as a snicker from my inquiry.  I 
don't know if it is because it stumps people, or because the collective 
is somehow annoyed with some of the content (I realized a short while 
ago that there were some expletives in my script -- words intended for 
filtering messages containing such things into a trash file).

I'm in a real bind here -- since the script processes all my incoming 
mail, the bugs in it either cause messages to go to the ether, OR I 
have to have a manual forward in the .forward file to ensure I have a 
saveable copy of the message (which is an absolute waste of my mail 

Can anyone offer suggestions as to why my script doesn't work?


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