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Re: Procmail 3.10 on Solaris 2.3

1996-05-31 17:37:12
g9ubof(_at_)fnma(_dot_)com (Ben Fofana) writes:
I have installed procmail on a Solaris 2.3 machine.
However I can not get it to work.
When I create a .forward file, no mail gets delivered at all.
I include my .forward and .procmailrc.
Any ideas?

The mail is probably bouncing.  Have someone else mail to you while you
have the .forward file in place, then remove it and check with them to
see what the bounce message says.


Why the lockfile?  To quote the procmailrc(5) manpage:

                          ...  The use of a  global  lockfile  is
                 discouraged,  whenever  possible  use locallock-
                 files (on a per recipe basis) instead.

Just put a colon after the zero on each of the recipes.

(NOTE: a simple colon only works for actions that either are simple
 mailboxes (not pipes), or that have ">>" in them.  In both of those
 are false you have to give an explicit lockfile name.  Check you logfile:
 procmail will complain if it thinks something is wrong or missing.)

Philip Guenther

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