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fine tuning...

1996-06-23 00:16:21
To anyone that can help,

I am trying to configure procmail with several forwarding addresses and one
auto-responder.  I would like to adjust how the header information reads in
the auto-response.

My .forward file reads:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /opt/gnu/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #aec"

My receipe (in .procmailrc) reads:

* ^TOresponder(_at_)aecinfo\(_dot_)com
* !^X-Loop: auto(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com
   | (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
    -I"From: AEC InfoCenter Inc. <comments(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com>" \
    -I"Subject: Auto Information Request" \
    -A"X-Loop: responder(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com" ; \
    echo "Your request for addition to AEC InfoCenter has been received.  We
will notify you once your entry is added.") | $SENDMAIL -t

The outbound mail header currently reads:

        Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 03:06:51 -0400 (EDT)
        To: mark(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com
        X-Loop: responder(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com
        From: "AEC InfoCenter Inc." <comments(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com>
        Subject: Auto Information Request

1. I would like to eliminate the "References" line.  Is this being added by
procmail?  If so, how do I get rid of it?

2. In the line

        echo "Your request for addition to AEC InfoCenter has been received.  
        We will notify you once your entry is added."

        how can I add hard returns?

AEC InfoCenter Inc.


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