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simulating -f- along the way

1996-07-08 19:25:16

Pass this to the Procmail Mailing List if you like, but I think it would not
be of any general interest.

Here's my situation:

I want to refeed mail to procmail without the effect of -f- yet then have the
timestamp updated along the way in the rcfile.  That way the logabstracts of
earlier actions will show the timestamp of original receipt, but the logab-
stracts of later actions will show the time and date of reprocessing.

The usual way to change a line in the head is to use formail, but I can't
figure out a way to do it without at least two formail processes, and many
of those ways risk putting a wrong address in the new From_ line or put
the new From_ line at the end of the headers, where it quickly gets detached
into the body (and escaped to ">From" in addition) during further processing.

This is the only single-process, doesn't-jeopardize-the-From_-address, method
I've come up with:

          | procmail -f- DEFAULT='|' /dev/null

Is there a better way?


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