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Re: Can someone please design/point me to a recipe that.....

1996-07-24 10:23:33
On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, AIRWAVES MEDIA wrote:

Now is there a simple way to add addresses (also Subjects, or parts of
subjects) directly from the mail client (I use elm)?  Or must I cut
and paste manually?  I am not lazy, I just go through so many messages
that to do it manually would be a real pain in the typing fingers?


BTW, I go through many messages also (over a thousand a day), but how many
spams do you get? I rarely get them and I use the approve system to
eliminate further ones.

Thanks for the recipe and for any further help on the adding of
criteria (email and/or Subject strings) to SPAMCACHE

BTW, you easily turn the recipe I posted into one that checks for Subject

 | Brock Rozen | brozen(_at_)netvoyage(_dot_)net | | 

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