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Re: How do I extract the "Subject"

1996-07-26 18:04:46
On Jul 26,  2:55pm, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Subject: Re: How do I extract the "Subject"
When Rajiv Baronia asked:

B> Basically, I would like to extract the "Subject" field from a message
B> and pass it to a shell program in the form of a variable.

Guy Geens suggested:

G> This should do the trick:

G> SUBJECT=`formail -zxSubject:`   # these are backquotes

G> :0 <flags>
G> * conditions
G> | program $SUBJECT

If your version of procmail is new enough to support extraction (and it
probably is if your version of formail is new enough to have the -z option),
this is better because it saves a process:

 :0 <flags>
 * conditions, including this one:
 * ^Subject:.*\/[^    ].*
 | program "$MATCH"
-- End of excerpt from David W. Tamkin

Thanks to Guy Geens and David W. Tamkin, I have found the solution.

In my situation, however, the solution suggested by David works better
for me, as I do not have new formail. Also as David pointed out - it saves
a process.

Again, thanks a bunch!

        - Rajiv

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