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Re: protecting trailing space

1996-08-08 17:20:06
I was wondering about the relative merits of these three ways of protecting a
trailing space in a condition from being mistakenly deleted by a human editor
who can't see that it's there:

| >  * whatever else[ ]

| >  * whatever else( )

| >  * whatever else ()

Philip Guenther replied,

| From my looking at the source, the last two should be equal in
| efficiency, and except for a trace differance in regcomp time, should
| match at the same speed as a solitary trailing blank.

That makes sense.

| The character class version "[ ]" will be slower ...

I had a feeling it would be; that's why I asked.  Thank you.

| Of course, I suspect that neither you nor your sysadmin will ever
| notice the differance in speed, and given that 99% of all systems are
| I/O bound and not CPU bound, the system is incredibly unlikely to
| notice either.  I can't complain though, as I also go to various
| extremes to eek out every last bit of possible performance.  Ah well...

It's more a matter of principle and curiosity than anything else.  The cycles
we've taken in sharing these three posts with everyone on the list are proba-
bly greater than those saved in ten years' time of using ( ) instead of [ ].

I'd been using

  * whatever else[ ]

but I've switched to

  * whatever else( )

out of a personal preference based solely on looks over

  * whatever else ()

[I think we had established some time back that

  * whatever else .*

 would be slower yet, though perhaps no slower than the bracket form is.]

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