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Re: Help with procmail

1996-08-16 12:07:33
R. McPherson wrote:
I am trying to use a simple script to sendmail straight back to a known 
address (rmcphers(_at_)mamba(_dot_)bio(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu) which is my 
alternate account.
Procmail will never run sendmail.  I can run sendmail from the command 
prompt and it works fine.


MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail     #you'd better make sure it exists
LOGFILE=$HOME/from   #recommended
          :0 h
          * ^FROM:(_dot_)*(_at_)mamba*
          * !^X-Loop: rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu
          | (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
             -A "X-Loop: rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu" ; \
             echo "Got it") | sendmail  

      * ^Subject:.*Victim*

Is sendmail in your path?  Note that you're piping to sendmail
and not $SENDMAIL, so setting SENDMAIL did nothing.  I saw another
post suggesting you set SHELL=/bin/sh (I think this is a good idea
since then you *know* what you're running), but I don't see anything
above that looks to me to be shell-specific.

You probably wanted:
             echo "Got it") | $SENDMAIL  

Aside from that, you should note that:
          * ^FROM:(_dot_)*(_at_)mamba*
is the same as matching "^FROM:(_dot_)*(_at_)mamb"
and that:
        * ^Subject:.*Victim*
will match "^Subject:.*victi"

and neither is probably what you intend.

You probably want to omit the trailing "*", since this is regexp and
not shell globbing, and "*" here means "zero or more occurrences
of the preceding".

Stan Ryckman (stanr(_at_)tiac(_dot_)net)

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