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Re: /var/mail

1996-09-01 09:11:04
Hi Frederic Janssens,

my mail, on a Sun, is spooled in /var/mail
procmail processes it but keeps complaining about files in the nonexistant
What is the proper way to tell procmail to use /var/mail instead of 
/usr/spool/mail ?

Insert a 


in your .procmailrc.

Taken from procmailrc.1

       ORGMAIL               /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME
                             (Unless -m has been specified, in which case it is 

       ORGMAIL     Usually  the  system  mailbox  (ORiGinal  MAILbox).  If, for 
some obscure reason
                   (like `filesystem full') the mail could not be delivered, 
then this mailbox will
                   be  the  last  resort.   If  procmail fails to save the mail 
in here (deep, deep
                   trouble :-), then the mail will bounce back to the sender.

Hope this helps



Martin Koch       nick(_at_)caissa(_dot_)owl(_dot_)de   +49-5251-59670 voice    
Padertown City    Test the Nest
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