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How to handle "psudo-headers"?

1996-09-24 08:00:49
        I'm sure that this comes off as an easy answer but I thought
        I'd ask to see what other people see as solutions.

        Here's a dummied up sample of a piece of mail that I get:
From {sender}  Tue Sep 24 10:46:08 1996
Received: from {machine} by {machine} with SMTP id xxxxxxxx;
     Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:45:50 -0400
Message-Id: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: {list of comma separated names}
Subject: {subject}
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:45:39 -0400
From: {sender}

The relevant information is . . .
Entry-number: nnn
Subject: {different subject from above}
Description: {multi-line description}
Applies-to: {keyword}
        There's this psudo-header "Applies-to:" that I'd like to key a
        response from but I'm a little unsure of some of the dangers of
        trying this so I thought I'd ask the list.  I can do perl, shell,
        or procmail/formail itself as processors of this and I'm
        wondering what people would suggest as a solution.

        Thanks for your time everyone.

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