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Re: procmail problem

1996-10-04 22:39:41
Well, no responses have arrived here after a few hours, so I'll
respond and hope I'm not duplicating an answer.

Tim Jennings wrote:

Following is a section of my .procmailrc file. I am trying to have the
mail message placed in the path $SEASONDIR/$THISWEEK/$KEYWORD and then
a verification script will be run. If the first recipe is omitted the
verification runs fine. If the first recipe is included the
verification does not get run. Is there something wrong with this

* ^[  ]*Subject:.*NFL-season
  DUMMY=`test -f $SEASONDIR/$THISWEEK/$KEYWORD && /bin/rm 


I presume these two lines are what you mean by "the first recipe."
Actually, I'm not sure whether the definition of "recipe" might
not include everything in the { } pair along with the preceding

Anyway, change:
to pass a copy along, since upon successful delivery the remainder
(below) will otherwise be bypassed.  This is well-documented.
It sounds like what you are seeing as well.  :)

  | /home/jennings/bin/season_verify $FROM $THISWEEK $KEYWORD


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