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Re: Including text in auto-reply

1996-10-22 11:35:35
    > How would I include the original message in the auto-reply recipe below?
    > Thanks...

Turn the reply generation recipe into two parts: one to filter the
header into a reply, and one to filter the body.

    > :0Bc
    > * $ ? egrep -s -f $PMDIR/match.reject
    > ! nobody

Instead of this:

    > :0Ah
    > | ($FORMAILZ -I"From " \
    >                   -I"From: $FROMZ" -r \
    >                   -A"Precedence: junk" \
    >                   -I"Subject: Project Genesis Rejection";\
    >              cat $TEXTDR/reject) | $SENDMAILZ -oi -t

Use these:

    :0Afh       # form the reply
    | formail -rt -I"From: $FROMZ" \
                  -A"Precedence: junk" \
                  -I"Subject: Project Genesis Rejections"

    :0afb       # form the body
    | cat $TEXTDR/reject - 

    :0a         # now feed reply to sendmail
    ! -t

The "a" flags tell procmail to process those recipes only if the
preceding recipes' actions succeeded (ie: first the "formail" must
succeed and then the "cat").

The "fh" flags mean "filter head"; the "fb" flags mean "filter body".

The second recipe above assumes that "reject" ends up saying something like:

    Your original message follows:
    ========================== Original Message ===========================

The "-" on the "cat" says to read STDIN at this point, which is the body
being fed from procmail.

Hope this helps.
Alan Stebbens <aks(_at_)sgi(_dot_)com>

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