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Re: Question on scoring

1996-11-06 09:46:52
wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com wrote,

| > | However, when I use this line:
| > | 
| > |    :0
| > |    * 100^3   > 2000  
| > |    test-box

To which I replied,

| > That condition will score, where S
| > is the actual size of the message, 100 x (S/2000)^3, which will be
| > positive if S is positive.  If that is the only condition on that recipe,
| > then any message that runs into it will be stored in test-box.
| Thats what i thought should happen, but it didn't work.  

Non-empty mail actually managed to get past that recipe?  Did it perhaps get
routed around it or not reach it?

If you want to know the score resulting from that recipe, be sure to define
a logfile and to turn VERBOSE on.

I asked further,

| > Well, what exactly are you trying to do there?  Unless you're saving $=
| > for use in a later recipe -- and you probably aren't because that recipe is
| > delivering -- scoring doesn't make sense on a recipe with only one
| > condition.

Wotan answered,

| What I have been doing is use scoring to handle most unwanted e-mail.  As
| I have ebeen sure a condition is working like I want it to, I add it to my
| score.rc.

Let me rephrase my question, because we aren't communicating here.

What sorts of scores do you want to achieve?  Did you want 100 if the letter
is longer than 2000 bytes and 3 if it is shorter?  Did you actually want the
sliding fractional value that you're getting, which is 1 for a letter of
exactly 2000 bytes but never zero or negative?  Did you always want to store
all mail to test-box and then stop?  After all, with that as the only condi-
tion and no `c', that's what's going to happen; if it isn't working that way,
there must be more that you haven't told us yet.

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