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Re: Procmail autoresponder doesn't work

1996-11-07 09:11:46
Resampling Stats wrote:

# handle duplicat messages
:0 Whc: msgid.lock
| formail -D 32768 $HOME/.cache.msgid

Just a word to the wise...  If you are on some system that's prone to
re-queueing mail, DO NOT use this type of recipe, as it WILL result in the
trashing of mail that gets requeued!  Netcom (which I am on) is such a
system, and I found I was loosing mail after closely looking at my logs.  I
was forced to remove this recipe.

* Subject: *keyword
| (formail -r ; cat $HOME/reply) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t 

Instead of sending the file reply, it just sends a blank message.

You did look at your logs for errors here?

Off-hand, it LOOKS OK, but then I've never tried something quite this way.

I mostly replied to comment on the formail -D situation.

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