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Re: Passing on score

1996-11-18 16:34:38
wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com asked,

| However, procmail wants an action in these statements.  Without one, it
| either fails the scoreing or files to :0.

Procmail does have a no-op action:

  :0flags # no `c'!
  * conditions
  { }

Yes, that's it: left brace, space or tab, right brace.  It's useful for
saving a score that might be non-positive in a variable or for setting up an
else clause after it in a :0E recipe.

| On a related point, if I set a variable equal to $=, how would I call it
| up in another filter?  What I would like to do is keep the score from my
| header test, and be able to pass it on to different filters later in my
| rc.  However, neither $ $VAR or $ $VAR^0 seem to work.

What do you mean by another filter?  You mean an INCLUDERC file?  You mean a
later recipe in the same rcfile?  Either way, if you want to recall a numeric
variable and use it as a score addend,

  * $ $VAR^0

(with a null regexp after it) works for me, I don't see why it wouldn't for
you.  Can you tell us more?

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