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Re: Virtual domain with his own user list

1996-11-26 17:15:28
"James L. McGill" <fishbowl(_at_)fotd(_dot_)netcomi(_dot_)com> writes:
On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Robert E. Gahl wrote:
field is something other than their name. I can see the actual recipient
usually in the first 'Received: from . . . for 
id . . . .'

But not always...  That has been a real source of grief for me.
What is sendmail's $u parameter?  Why is it not always set? 
How to force sendmail to deliver a message bound for multiple users
on a domain, after the S98 rewrite, multiple times?  How to
always catch the original recipient into a consistent header?
Will another MTA be helpful?  

$u is only set by sendmail is there is one and only one envelope
recipient.  Since the "for...." bit in the Received: header is
conditioned on $u being set, it disappears when there's more than one
recipient.  To force sendmail to do what you want, you have to get
sendmail to pass the env. recipient as an argument, otherwise duplicate
elimination will cause thm to collapse into one invocation.  As for the
header, I've tried myself, and have never seen it done.  I believe it
to require a source hack, but just passing the information via an
argument seems easier.

Philip Guenther

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