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Handling of CC?

1996-12-09 00:36:19
I have been trying to come up a simple rc which handles CC (or Cc:)
without much success.

The egrep parser in procmail does just one pass, and if there is a Cc:
line in the header of the incoming message, the recipients listed on
that line won't get anything, as most likely the To: line is above the
Cc: line so it gets matched first.

For instance, if an incoming message has the following 

Date:  Wed, 4 Dec 1996 22:23:28 -0800 (PST)
To: fangchin(_at_)jessica(_dot_)stanford(_dot_)edu

and if the rc file has 

* TOfangchin
! chin(_at_)ruca(_dot_)ua(_dot_)ac(_dot_)be

then only I will be getting the message, the two poor guys Mark and
Doh won't have anything :(

I can come up a ugly Perl script to do the extra Cc line processing
(basically looping thru all listed recipients in that line, and pump
the body of the incoming message to each listed person), but am
wondering whether I can use procmail's built-in commands to achieve
the Cc: line processing as well?


Chin Fang

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