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Re: Using the e flag (was: Handling of CC?)

1996-12-10 15:13:48
I think I have solved my own problem.  Setting a variable plus using the
e flag in the default recipe should do it.

That's correct.

If you are following the procmail mailing list, I recently submitted
something along those lines.  I neglected to mention previously that
when you redirect mail like this, the proper way is to use "Resent-To:"
and "Resent-Cc:".

Thanks for the tip!

Also, you keep saying (in your previous message) that "when their
address occurs on a Cc: header".  What about if the mail is addressed
directly to you all?  What about mail which has already been redirected
to you, by way of "Resent-To:" or "Resent-Cc:"?

Got me there :(  Actually I (we) was more into trying to understand
and to use the db feature of sendmail 8 so we didn't test cases that
you mentioned.  My oversight.

[rest saved]

Thanks for all help so far!

Chin Fang

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