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Re: 8.8.4 + procmail is slow

1996-12-18 17:02:59
At 11:07 PM 12/18/96 GMT, Obi-Wan wrote:

I just today turned loose on our ISP sendmail 8.8.4 with
FEATURE(local_procmail) for a local mailer.  We run Solaris 2.5
and procmail 3.11pre4.  We've had numerous complaints about mail
being delivered slowly or sporadically (even local->local mail).
A _very_ cursory examination seems to indicate that procmail's
locks are causing this behavior.

[ Deletia ]

I can only say that I just witnessed something similar with procmail in the
last hour or so, and I resolve it to being locks as well. But, the problem
wasn't with procmail, but with my installation of it. Luckily, the log file
showed procmail fighting an inability to establish a lock being the
culprit. I re-downloaded the tarball (we have multiple architectures here,
and the current instantiation was littered with gcc'isms), unrolled it, did
a 'make init' followed by 'make install-suid' and all the lock problems
went away, and performance improved dramatically. Alas, it was no longer
waiting for the lock to timeout. 

This was with procmail 3-10.

Bob Gahl Bicycle (Ryan Vanguard) Mobile ||     @
 ARPA/Internet: bgahl(_at_)thesphere(_dot_)com     ||  !_ \
 URL:  ||  (*)-~--+--(*)
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