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Re: all those unwanted congratulations

1996-12-19 09:39:32
Tim wrote:

Autoresponders *should* GREP for a "Precedence:" line and if something
like "bulk", "junk", or "list" is in there, there should be no
autoresponse FYI. :^)

I searched through the RFCs concerning email. The only reference I found
to "Precedence:" said don't use it. I did this because I got in an
argument with a maintainer of a list that kept sending me email when my
procmail receipe sent a message received email back to his list. I, in a
high and mighty way told him they should be putting a precedence in
their header and I don't auto-respond to "bulk", "junk", and "list".

After sending this response I decided to search the RFC, and as I said
the only reference to Precedence was don't use it. Does anyone know of a
RFC that says it is legal and how to use it?


Ed Bruce