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Re: an unofficial procmail/smartlist webpage

1996-12-29 16:17:38

For example:

      Last night I broke my infobot.  Now I have
      a bunch of messages in my 'procmail.backup'
      file that I'd like to spit back through the
      procmail file to "re" process.

      I know it's possible -- so now I'm hunting 
      through the man pages to figure it out.
      I'll probably blow it on the first try.

      Hold on a sec.....

      Ahhh, there it is.  Let's try:

      formail -s /usr/local/bin/procmail  < procmail.backup

              I probably should have locked that
              down before opening it -- but, luckily,
              with my feed I don't have to worry about that
              much (uucp set to call my feed every hour).

      Now, would that be a "basic" or an "advanced" topic.

        Well, I said I'd mess it up.  I really should have 
        copies procmail.backup to some other file and 
        used THE OTHER FILE in this formail command.

        Naturally  the first recipe in infobot's procmailrc


        Rather than leave that to the imagination I'll just
        mention that the file got to be about 500K before 
        I noticed it.

        I stopped that job and clean out the queue with 

                cd /var/spool/mqueue
                mailq | awk '$NF == "info" {print $1}' | { 
                        while read i; do
                                rm qf$i df$i
                                done }

                (as root)       

        I then restarted the job by editing the procmail.backup,
        killing the 11,000 lines of duplicate messages, copying
        it to 'fubar' and reissuing a slight variation of the 
        formail command above:

        formail -s /usr/local/bin/procmail  < fubar

        Boy am I glad I don't use a full time, live feed to 
        the 'net!
        Jim Dennis,
        Starshine Technical Services

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