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Re: From_ and From:

1996-12-31 15:53:56
Michael Tiernan asked,

|       2)  What is the RFC822 rules on this question:
|           I have a message that has two lines that say "From", one
|           says "From addr1(_at_)dom" and another one that says
|           "From: addr2(_at_)dom", which is the "From" that I should be
|           paying attention to?  Which "From" is the one that procmail
|           cares about?

*Every* message you receive should have two such lines, Michael!

The one beginning "From<space>" (or "From_" as we often write) is the
Unix From_ line and is not an RFC822 header field.  (It is discussed in
another RFC somewhere.)  So any reference to "From" in RFC822 is to the
"From:" header field, not to the From_ line.

As to which one you should pay attention to, that depends on the particular
reason the message needs attention.  Non-delivery notifications, in general,
should be sent to the address in From_; responses to the content should be
sent to the Reply-To: address if one is present, or to From: if there is no
Reply-To:; acknowledgments of receipt or vacation responses should probably
be directed to Return-Receipt-To: if it is present, to Sender: failing that,
or to From: if neither of those is present.

To answer the last question, procmail cares about the one that you tell it to
care about.  It has no preferences.  (formail -r and formail -rt have prefe-
rences, however.)

|       And a special thank you and happy new year to Stephen for all of
|       his hard work on this package.  "Thank you!" :)

I'll heartily second that.


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