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Re: Uncl: Looking for FAQ on installing

1997-01-24 01:22:33
AL MATT seems to have said:

        I sent Al a revised copy of the mini-tutorial
        I wrote a few weeks ago.  I also spit a copy over
        to my web pages and started converting it to html.
        It's not ready for prime time yet so I haven't 
        linked it into my document tree -- but you can
        get it with the right URL:


        I intent to clean it up a bit and continue to revise it.

        It should also be possible to get it via e-mail by sending 
        a message to info(_at_)starshine(_dot_)org with a subject like
        "mailbot" or "procmail."

From  al matt
I have searched quit a bit for ENTRY level install notes, and a precompiled
version (for solaris) of procmail yet could not find anything elementary. My
boss said to find a binary version and/or a package from Solaris. I am a
extreme beginner in unix so that doesn't help much either We intend to run
Netscape mail server and use procmail with it. Someone be so kind and point me
in the right direction! thanks in advance.

        I hope my explanation is sufficiently close to the
        ground floor.  It was originally written for someone
        who had plenty of experience with Unix -- and just needed
        a push for procmail.  However I tried to include enough
        background even for a newbie.

        Please let me know which parts are still confusing.
Jim Dennis,                                
Starshine Technical Services    

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