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setting Booleans

1997-01-28 15:50:59
Tom Betz wrote,

| Yep -- in fact, despite the error in the comments, the last line in the
| actual .procmailrc is

There was a lot of code above there, and I didn't get a chance to read it
all (we all thank Philip Guenther for helping Tom with it), so I'm not sure
whether Tom is trying to turn DELIVERED on or off when he sets it to "FOUND".

It seems to me that DELIVERED, like any other procmail Boolean, will
be turned off if you give it a value that begins with an F, per the
procmailrc(5) man page:

       When assigning boolean values to variables  like  VERBOSE,
       DELIVERED or COMSAT, procmail accepts as true every string
       starting with: a non-zero value, `on', `y',  `t'  or  `e'.
       False  is every string starting with: a zero value, `off',
       `n', `f' or `d'.

So "FOUND" is the same as "false".

Generally, be careful about those Booleans: you can't pick arbitrary
strings for them, like VARIABLE="you have to be kidding" to turn it off
or VARIABLE="darn right!" to turn it on.

Thanks to this system's using Smail instead of sendmail, the DELIVERED
variable seems to have no meaning or use here, so I've no experience with
it and can't test it out for myself.