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Re: invoking procmail by non-privileged user

1997-02-12 12:26:49
Excerpts from mail: (12-Feb-97) invoking procmail by non-privileged user by 
Adkins, Simon
Interestingly, I get the following message from the mailer-demon
from my shell account:

"User doesn't have correct shell to mail to programs"

This seems to defeat the usefullness of procmail for anyone without
root access.

If that's really the error you are getting, in my experience, this occurs
when the shell you use is not listed in the /etc/shells file. For most
Unixes, /etc/shells initially only contains sh, csh, and ksh. If your shell
is tcsh or bash, for example, and it's not listed in /etc/shells, you will
get an error like this from sendmail. There are two solutions: (1) Ask your
system administrator to add your shell to /etc/shells on the machine in
question. (2) Change your shell to one of the shells listed in /etc/shells.


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