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Re: .forward file not working

1997-03-05 09:25:52
"Scott Frost" <scott(_dot_)frost(_at_)CCMAIL(_dot_)AirTouch(_dot_)COM> writes:
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/cellone/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #cppmail"

This is the contents of my .forward file in my $HOME. When I send mail
to this account with the .forward file in place it disappears.

Put it in place, then have someone else send you email.  They should get
a bounce message (you didn't because the bounce message bounced again).
What does that bounce message say?  One guess is that your shell isn't in
/etc/shells, and thus sendmail won't trust you to run programs.  If this
is it, the bounce message should suggest something along those lines.

Philip Guenther

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