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How can I insert "From " headers....

1997-03-24 13:49:51
Hi all!

I've been a long time lurker on the procmail list, just waiting for the 
time when I could compile procmail and start using it....

Here's my first question...

I want to create a web-based archive of another ML I'm on.  I plan on 
using Hypermail to do so.  In order to have a complete archive, I need to 
use saved digests as the initial input.

Hypermail *can* handle the input of an entire file in mailbox format.  
Unhappily, the digest files aren't.  I need to be able to insert an 
appropriate "From " (no ":") in front of each message in the digest but I 
can't figure out how to get formail/procmail to do so.

Here's what a digest looks like:

----- sample digest starts here----------------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:22:36 -0500 (EST) 
From: Dana Krempels <dkrempel(_at_)fig(_dot_)cox(_dot_)miami(_dot_)edu> 
Subject: Chas Update (long)

Hi, all!

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 17:21:47 -0500
From: conni james <cljames(_at_)erols(_dot_)com>
Subject: RE: Kia update

conni wrote:
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 17:30:03 -0500
From: conni james <cljames(_at_)erols(_dot_)com>
Subject: Re: jumping

At 12:02 AM 1/30/97 -0800, you wrote:
------ sample digest end here ------------------------------------

As you can see, each message consists of a Date:, From: & Subject: header, 
followed by the message body.  The messages are separated by a line of 29 
"="s (I think thats an RFC1153 style digest.

Ideally, I'd like to feed a digest to a formail/procmail/? pipe and end up 
with standard u*ix mailbox file where each message starts with a "From " 
header.  It would be nice to get rid of the RFC1153 separators, but not 

If I must, I can live with haveing the digest split into individual 
messages as long as each one starts with the "From " line.

Can somebody provide me with a clue?


simeon(_dot_)nevel(_at_)schwab(_dot_)com   =-=-=-=-=A rabbit is just an angel 
with big ears!
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