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Re: Anti-Spamming

1997-04-09 17:44:00

On April 9, 1997, Robert Nicholson <steffi2(_at_)DGS(_dot_)dgsys(_dot_)com> 
OK this sounds interesting.

Just exactly what do you consider spam then?

Please define the rules you use to identify spam.

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that :).

The problem is that my recipes currently rely on some patterns
I've observed that most spam follows.  By detecting these
patterns and figuring out how to have procmail detect them, I can
-- I believe -- detect most spam.  

However, if I tell you what these patterns are and you're a
spammer (or a spammer is listening), you/they can modify the way
you spam and get around my patterns.

Which means that basically I won't reveal my spam filters to
anyone who I don't personally know is not a spammer.  


           Roy S. Rapoport / rsr(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com / phone:415-543-0900
               Email rsr+services(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com for info on how
                to contact me, get my PGP public key, etc.
      Paul Vixie took my pen and all I got was this lousy .signature

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